Fishman Stewart PLLC | 800 Tower Drive | Suite 610 | Troy, MI 48098 | USA +1 248.594.0600

Firm News

Fishman Stewart Listed Among The 2018 World’s Leading Trademark Professionals

Fishman Stewart was once again recognized by the World Trademark Review (WTR) and listed as a 2018 WTR 1000 trademark law firm. In addition to receiving firm-wide rankings, Michael D. Fishman was recognized as a “leading trademark professional” for his trademark legal practice. Based on 70 key jurisdictions globally, the WTR 1000 shines a spotlight on the firms and individuals that are deemed outstanding in their trademark practice.

Fishman Stewart PLLC has “The legal nous and practical intelligence to bring trademark conflicts to a swift and favourable end time and again” – IAM WRT 1000

IAM conducted face-to-face and telephone interviews and exchanged correspondence over a four-month period with hundreds of lawyers, attorneys and their clients involved with trademarks and gathered written submissions from firms detailing their recent activity in the field. Individuals qualify for inclusion in the WTR 1000 upon receiving sufficient positive feedback from market sources with knowledge of their practice and the market in which they operate. Firms qualify for a listing on the basis of their depth of expertise, market presence and the level of work.





See: Michael D. Fishman’s WTR1000 Individual Profile
