Fishman Stewart is proud to congratulate Partner John P. Guenther on recently being named to the first class of Animal Friendly Attorneys™ by Attorneys for Animals, Inc. (AfA).

AfA is an organization of Michigan lawyers, law school graduates, law students, certified legal assistants and others who believe that the legal system is an important tool in protecting animals and bettering their lives. The organization serves as an informal clearinghouse for attorneys interested in taking animal law cases and maintains an informal referral list of attorneys who specialize in animal-related legal issues. The organization also assists state and local government units in drafting and revising animal laws, rules and ordinances, and helps guide lawmakers through the often confusing and contentious areas of animal-related legislation.

John Guenther is a highly-experienced intellectual property attorney and avid animal lover who specializes in patent, trademark and copyright law. John and his family have several pets, including a zebra-donkey, miniature ponies, a bunny, dogs of all sizes, and several cats. John and his wife have rescued many cats and dogs who may have been euthanized in shelters due to physical or neurological disabilities. John’s family provides a loving home and yard for all of their pets.