Fishman Stewart PLLC | 800 Tower Drive | Suite 610 | Troy, MI 48098 | USA +1 248.594.0600

Firm News

SBM “A Lawyer Helps” Inspiring Stories: “Michael Stewart’s Innovative Approach to Pro Bono has Worldwide Impact”

Stewart_Michael_HeadThe State Bar of Michigan “A Lawyer Helps” program focuses on the legal profession’s priority of pro bono: free legal help for the poor and financial donations for nonprofit legal aid services. In addition, “A Lawyer Helps” also recognizes lawyers who give time to other community efforts beyond pro bono. Read about Michael Stewart’s pro bono efforts in the SBM article “Michael Stewart’s Innovative Approach to Pro Bono has Worldwide Impact.”

See to find pro bono opportunities, make an Access to Justice Fund donation and upload stories of lawyers’ pro bono and community service.

All the Ways A Lawyer Helps


