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Central Office
800 Tower Drive | Suite 610
Troy, MI 48098 | USA
Phone: +1 (248) 594-0600
Fax: +1 (248) 594-0610

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"Fishman Stewart has been very helpful, knowledgeable and innovative lawyers and staff. I have worked with multiple firms and I rate Fishman Stewart at the top of that list."
"I was on the due diligence team to vet the Fishman Stewart firm and have now worked with them for about eight years. I have been most impressed with not only what I checked earlier but their integrity. They are just the best all around."
"Fishman Stewart is expert at determining true client need. They move from conceptual to pragmatic and give very tangible advice and options. There is a sense of client care and consideration. Each engagement with them leads me to conclude they steward the best interests of their clients."